Hatch day:
Today when I arrive to check out the red-tail hawks I noticed that something had changed. Mom instead of sitting on the eggs or sitting on the side of the nest getting ready to leave was standing on the edge of the nest looking into the nest. She was dipping her head in and out of the nest. This went on for a bit. Later she put what looked like bark, and her breast feathers in the nest. She then rested for quite some time. I was joined by Ron who lives in the neighbourhood and has seen the hawks flying around for some time. We watched the female red-tail fly off the nest for a very short time and come back with nest material. She flew over us and landed on the street light then flew into the nest. She immediately wove the material into the nest. I talked to Lyn about the new behaviour and she agrees that it looks like we have our first young eyas. HAPPY BIRTHDAY