One of the 3 beautiful eyas

One of the few shots of the eyas flying

Female flying around the far building - they still have the lights on 24-7 - a couple of scary moments when she looked like she was going into the window.!!!#$%

Arrived in the morning to check out the red-tails. Graham also came to see them. The one eyas is still in the nest (It is much to comfortable in there) and the female on the same balcony on the construction site. No action for some time.
Graham found the 2nd eyas on a tree by the parking lot and then as we were walking back to see the one in the tree there in front of us was the 3rd eyas right in front of our eyes. They all look great. By 10:15 it was pouring rain and we both left. Hopefully Graham will send a couple of shots of the 2nd eyas.
Photos to come later.