Eyas still in the nest - Branching
Fledged Eyas - Went to the woods and returned to the nest
What a great evening I had. Arrived at 6:45pm to see only one eyas in the nest. checked the ground no sign of any red-tailed hawks -good sign. No sounds anywhere hmmmmmmmmmmmmm where are you.
Saw the last one in the nest on a branch flapping away - great sign as he has been very slow at doing this. Then while I was taking some shots 3 kids asked me what was that in the tree across the road. Grabbed the binoculars and there is one of the eyas. Bingo. Head over and he is sitting in the tree bouncing up and down trying to figure out how to get back to the nest. (photos to follow later -over 200 to look at)
While I am taking shots of the 2nd one and then on the phone with Carol to tell her the good news - the 3rd eyas flies by me from the other side of the intersection. Hurray all 3 accounted for and 2 fledged. The 3rd eyas lands in the tree across from the nest and sits contently for 1/2 hour. While I take a couple of shot of him the mother comes flying in and lands with the 2nd eyas.
Man I wish I had a second person there tonight helping me. My eyes were bugging out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The female was sitting with the 2nd eyas (I am sure trying to get it to fly back to the nest) the female then flies directly to the light post. 2nd eyas starts to cry so loud and tries to fly and gets tangled in the branches. That's it he sits down.
Meanwhile the 1st one who hasn't left the nest gets his talons caught in the pine cones and is jumping up and down and can't get loose. This goes on for 1/2 hour (I call Chris and say ever heard of this and well she just laughs). Anyway he does get loose by biting on the branches and pinecones and does a victory dance and jumps in the nest. thats all folks I am going home.
It is 8:30 second one still on the branch across the street - other 2 in the nest.
So a summary:
One still in the nest but branched and practice his flapping
Second one 2 successful flights away and back to the nest
Third one 1 successful flights away from nest and sleeping in the woods tonight.
Photos to follow