The Red-tailed Hawk family has succeed in having two eyas. Very hard to see them but I can hear them and see them flapping around high in the nest.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The fledglings have moved to a new location - so far I have not found them July 21, 2009

Cooper Hawk

Arrived today to look for the red tail fledgling to find the area empty of hawks and no sounds. Wandered around with no luck. The security guard told me he saw all three playing early (6:30am) this morning by the nest and then they flew away. As I was leaving I saw the youngest fledgling perched on the hydro pole by the main road. He flew across the main road and disappeared south by Ellesmere. I decided to have a look for them - drove around with the windows open and looked on the house tops and trees but no luck. Just as I gave up I did see a hawk - I got excited - but it was not the babies it was a beautiful female Cooper Hawk with a fresh kill in her talons. I will attach a photo of her.

I hope to find the new location of the red tails and plan on taking a drive around the area soon but I am thrilled to see they have grown up and are moving on. The area where they have gone is a quiet neighbourhood with less danger than the nest. I will miss seeing them and hearing them daily but what a thrill it has been.