The Red-tailed Hawk family has succeed in having two eyas. Very hard to see them but I can hear them and see them flapping around high in the nest.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Report from Bob and his wife July 18, 2009

Report by Bob:
Visited the hawks today for a couple of hours.

Very active, flying and perching everywhere. It was so active we were having a hard time keeping them straight. My wife thought all 5 were in and around the vicinity. They were on the crane, the new condo balconies and even the top floor balcony of the building across from the YMCA. One of the eyas was crying out constantly and that's when the parents came in about 10 minutes after. The two bigger eyas
were hanging out together most of the time. It was great seeing them buzzing all around.

Thanks for the report Bob. It may be a few more days before I can go again. Ann