The Red-tailed Hawk family has succeed in having two eyas. Very hard to see them but I can hear them and see them flapping around high in the nest.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Soaring Fledglings today July 12, 2009

2 fledgling soaring for the first time

Enjoying the day

Fledgling flight shots

This morning I was joined by Jim B at the nest. We were treated to some high flying by all three fledgling as well as some nice close ups. For the very first time 2 of the young red tails were soaring around the SCC. They would flap 2 times then soar. First one did it then soared to the woods then the second one followed. Amazing. The third one watched. There was a lot of crying going on and I though perhaps we may be lucky to see food brought in but no luck. Great to meet you Jim.

Photos to follow later tonight.