Photos by Chris McConnell

Chris and I try to see who can take the best poop shots where ever we go. Chris calls it the Pooperazzi Shots!

I went down to visit Ann's red tail family and saw all three fledges (heard them long before I saw them!). One was in the nest eating, with a sibling on the next branch watching, and the third was busy moving from perch to perch practicing his hunting skills. I took some shots, then went toward the parking lot and sat under a small tree to watch him. A few minutes later he took flight, and I knew that he had flown close by. I thought he may have even landed at the top of MY tree...little did I know he'd not only flown into my tree but he was under it with me, on a branch about 7 feet above my head! I was as startled as he was. We spent about 15 minutes together, most of the time with him looking at me and tilting his head, wondering if he should fear me or hunt me. They are so inquisitive and naive at this age! Oh, one other really cute thing he did was, he kept looking at the trunk which was about 2 feet away from him. He would watch something, a bug I assume, and slowly open his mouth really wide and lean forward a few inches (not nearly close enough to eat it), and look like he was stretched as far as he could trying to reach it and would start to chew, as if to say "I so wish I could eat you!". It was in slow motion, and he did it a few times - it was adorable. Due to the heavy shade I didn't end up with as many shots as I'd hoped but it was great to spend some up close and personal time with such a regal, stunning creature.
Thanks Chris stunning shots.