The Red-tailed Hawk family has succeed in having two eyas. Very hard to see them but I can hear them and see them flapping around high in the nest.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Red-Tail Nest March 29 2011

The nest has been located.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Male Red-Tail

Chris joined me on my search for red-tails today. Here is one of her shots by the Scarborough site. Check out her blog and photos. Amazing shots and amazing photographer.
Chris McConnell

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Male and Female Red-Tailed hawk seen March 26, 2011

Saw male hawk today soaring in the sky. Female was very content to sit in tree and watch.


Male (check out the size difference in breast)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Female Red - tailed hawk in the sunlight

Saw the female red-tail hawk sitting in the tree. It quickly left when it saw me walking around. She is very heavy so should be in nest soon. Question is where is the nest??

Monday, March 21, 2011

Female Red-Tailed hawk March 19, 2011

Chris and I watched the hawks but still have no idea of where the nest is! Last year at this time the female was already on the nest.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Attacking window again Red-Tailed Hawk Female

On Saturday Chris and I watched the female red-tailed hawk attack the window over and over again. So scary and dangerous.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Red-Tailed hawks take off - female looking very healthy

Over the past few days I have heard from people that the red-tailed hawks have been seen flying and hunting.

Heather sent me this note: Last night on my way to the TTC lot there was a pair of Red-Tails circling around the intersection. They were scaring pigeon and catching the waves. This morning I was taking my coat off and I was a grey blue blur go past my window followed by a brown blur. It was about 5 seconds later that it dawned on me that I missed the red tail catching breaks fast. Thanks for the email Heather.

Red-Tailed hawks Mating all morning

I was amazed to see the pair mating on the building many times and then on the tree twice.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Red Tailed Hawks at new location.

The red tails are attacking the windows thinking they are another hawk. Not the best location for them.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Scarborough Hawks found March 12, 2011

Male REd-Tailed hawk picking up food. Large gull.

Male and Female sitting in the tree - k i s s i n g and more
I was so happy to see the Scarborough Red-Tailed Hawks today. Went early to see if I could spot them. Parked my car and was standing at a bus stop just looking around when the two appeared. I had a great time watching them. More photos will follow in the next few days. Saw them mating many times, on top of building, in trees and also watched the courtship of the female calling for male. Wonderful sound. Sadly the hawks were also bouncing off the building. Time will tell. I have no idea of where the nest is now. Will keep an eye on them.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Red-Tailed Hawks nest gone March2, 2011

Unfortunately it appears that the red-tailed hawk nest that has been in the tree for two years is gone. I did a check on the ground - not a single branch or twig, nor in the tree where the nest was in 2009 and 2010 is completely gone. No twigs or branches or anything up there. Checked under the tree - nothing.

The hawks have been flying around but with the nest gone it is possible they will move it to another location. There has been no signs of rebuilding the nest. Sad to see this happen.

Wish I knew how the nest disappeared?????????????????????????????????????????