The Red-tailed Hawk family has succeed in having two eyas. Very hard to see them but I can hear them and see them flapping around high in the nest.

Friday, April 3, 2009

April 2, 2009 Interaction on the Nest

Photos taken from the parking lot.

First thing this morning noticed the male and female on the nest. The male brought in a stick for the nest. The female then took off for a short flight and the male took over the nest. It is amazing how they share the nest duties.
Report from Jack in the afternoon:
You wanted excitement, well here you go. At around 3:30, Girish (the young scruffy man you met earlier today)was looking at the nest when he saw one of the hawks return. When he looked again with the binoculars, it had what appeared to be a squirrel in its mouth. When I got out there for a look the female hawk was digging at something she held in her talons with her beak.